If you are cur­rent­ly search­ing for post­doc­tor­al oppor­tu­ni­ties, and have a PhD in Civil/Structural Engi­neer­ing, con­sid­er apply­ing to the oppor­tu­ni­ties list­ed below. I am espe­cial­ly look­ing for Post­doc­tor­al Research Fel­lows with research exper­tise in mul­ti-haz­ard struc­tur­al resilience, fire safe­ty engi­neer­ing, earth­quake engi­neer­ing, per­for­mance-based design and reli­a­bil­i­ty analy­ses of struc­tures sub­ject­ed to extreme haz­ards
Please go through the fol­low­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties in detail. Inter­est­ed can­di­dates should send a CV and a state­ment of research inter­est to quresr11@mcmaster.ca. You must reach out to me via email at least 6 weeks before the respec­tive appli­ca­tion dead­line.
I high­ly encour­age research fel­lows from under­rep­re­sent­ed groups in engi­neer­ing research (women, Indige­nous Peo­ples, mem­bers of racial­ized minori­ties, and peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties) to apply.
1. NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowships program

The Nat­ur­al Sci­ences and Engi­neer­ing Research Coun­cil of Cana­da (NSERC) offers a pres­ti­gious Post­doc­tor­al research fel­low­ship award. A total stipend of $45,000 per year is allot­ted for two years. This oppor­tu­ni­ty is only open for Cana­di­an cit­i­zens, per­ma­nent res­i­dents of Cana­da or pro­tect­ed per­sons under sub­sec­tion 95(2) of the Immi­gra­tion and Refugee Pro­tec­tion Act (Cana­da).

Please check the com­plete list of eli­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria here.

2. Mitacs Accelerate

The Mitacs Accel­er­ate pro­gram is open for Cana­di­an cit­i­zens, Cana­di­an Per­ma­nent Res­i­dents, as well as inter­na­tion­al stu­dents. For this appli­ca­tion, a post­doc, a super­vis­ing pro­fes­sor, and a part­ner orga­ni­za­tion work togeth­er to devel­op a research project. Appli­cants then sub­mit a pro­pos­al via a Mitacs rep­re­sen­ta­tive, which can take up to 8 — 10 weeks in review. This research project is divid­ed into blocks of four-month long intern­ships, and can receive up to three years of fund­ing this way. A total stipend of $10,000 is allot­ted for each four-month intern­ship.

The appli­ca­tions are accept­ed all year round. Mitacs Accel­er­ate requires indus­try col­lab­o­ra­tion and can take up to 10 weeks in review. There­fore, if you are inter­est­ed in avail­ing this oppor­tu­ni­ty, you must con­tact me at least 4 months before your intend­ed start date.

More details are pro­vid­ed here.

3. Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Bant­i­ng Post­doc­tor­al Fel­low­ships pro­gram is open for both Cana­di­an cit­i­zens and inter­na­tion­al appli­cants. It is usu­al­ly offered for a 2 year dura­tion, with an annu­al stipend of $70,000 (tax­able). Read more here.

Before reach­ing out to me, please check your eli­gi­bil­i­ty here.